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Brox The Defiant
Movement Range: 1
Card Status:
archetypal gene
game effects
No Additional Effects
die rolls
Always Rolls: D20
keal means
Crushing Hope:
Physical Combat:
Chain Raid:
End It:
brawl power
card variation
Founder's Deck
Some men train their bodies for the most excruitiating of physical tasks by choice, mostly to prove their exemplary masculinity. Other men have their bodies trained for them, so that they are not just a slave to their masters, but also a slave to their own body. In times past slaves were kept weak for fear of strong slaves leading a rebellion. However, due to a great equalization in power thanks to ranged weapons, great physicalliy adds little to one's personal power. Brox is one such person possessing brutal strength not by his own choice. He is no greater than a dog fighting for his master's gain and whimsy, and only feigns to the crowd a better position. However, the spirit in Brox has not diminished. He knows it is the only aspect of his life that is freely his own, and he continues on in hopes to one day serve a future brighter than his own.