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Enchantress of Cats

Success Criteria

Roll any set of doubles with 2 tries.

Successful Sabotage Result

The cats wreak havoc on your opponents food supply. Kick all souls out of one of your opponents base camps for 2 days. Add a day if you rolled fish.

Failure Consequence

The cats did not mind. They became angry and attacked all the souls in one of your base camps chosen at random. (re-roll if roll misses your base camp number) They all lose one keal means, but are not wasted if downed.

card variation



Founder's Deck


Many have heard the rumors. Some have seen the fearsome creatures, but few have survived when met ankle to face with the black cat. Still fewer are those born to charm, entertain, and serve the spirits within. Among these leagues are those so in tune with the beasts that they win the beasts acclaim, no that's too strong, tolerance. These enchantresses even force the creatures to mind, sorry no, occasionally sway their opinion of what needs to be done. If you have experience with these creatures, you know the terror the enchantresses must inflict to get that type of response. Meow... ahhh!