alarm - 1 ), alarms = alarms.filter((alarm) => alarm != -1)">Click here on each diel cycle roll
Complete, click above to close
Turns to Alarm:
Clear Notice
You are about to reset the card status for the ENTIRE website. This feature is intended for use once a game is completed. Are your sure?
Clear All Damage
Don't Clear
Feeding the Piffions
Activation-detection Criteria
Activation: Activates when a territory is attacked. Detection: Impossible
On Activation
Allows player to move one soul to an adjacent territory before the attack is launched without rolling to escape.
On detection
card variation
Founder's Deck
Piffions were the product of a comical experiment, paying homage to the works of an ancient genealogist known as Charles Darwin. Where Darwin bred fancy pigeons, the creator's of these beauties wanted to prove the feasibility of the griffin form. Unfortunately, the experiment did not work as planned, and an early batch incapable of flight escaped into the city. Piffions are now as common there as pigeons are in most cities. Throwing fragrant seed is enough to summon a horde and create a good distraction.
Feeding the Piffions
Activation-detection Criteria
Activation: Activates when a territory is attacked. Detection: Impossible
On Activation
Allows player to move one soul to an adjacent territory before the attack is launched without rolling to escape.
On detection
card variation
Founder's Deck
Piffions were the product of a comical experiment, paying homage to the works of an ancient genealogist known as Charles Darwin. Where Darwin bred fancy pigeons, the creator's of these beauties wanted to prove the feasibility of the griffin form. Unfortunately, the experiment did not work as planned, and an early batch incapable of flight escaped into the city. Piffions are now as common there as pigeons are in most cities. Throwing fragrant seed is enough to summon a horde and create a good distraction.