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Hidden Portal of Lower Dreadmont Cave

Success Criteria

Ante up a strong soul (3+ keal means tolerance) who has lost all but one keal means or is downed. Have it travel to the cave.

Step 1: Roll to determine where cave is located (territory at random)
Step 2: Without healing, it must make it to the territory in a slot without contention (either basecamp or movement spots)
The soul is now in the cave and cannot be followed, and has no effect on contention in the area.
Step 3: Roll, with the soul's normal attack roll, against your opponent with a D20 and win. Wait a turn.
Step 4: Roll, with the soul's normal attack roll, against your opponent with all their dice and win.

Perform these steps within 3 diel cycles from the turn the card was played.

Successful Sabotage Result

All steps were completed within 3 diel cycles. Your soul overcame impossible odds and faced the cave's torments. Choose 4 territories to waste and heal the anted soul.

Failure Consequence

One or more of the steps were failed or your opponent wasted the anted soul. The soul you anted was not of the right heart. It is wasted and placed at the bottom of your opponents deck.

card variation



Founder's Deck


Hiding deep within caverns of Dreadmont exists a gateway whence great power dwells. Few creatures have the means to survive the journey through the disorienting web-work passages, the ensnaring crevices, and sudden cliffs to reach the lower cave system. In the lower system there are fewer passages to follow, but horizontal points of rest become scarce. New treacherous obstacles such as rarified air displaced by toxic gases and water filled chambers join the effort to stave off explorers. Somewhere, miles below the surface, stands a tall cavern normally waiting in pitch black. However, when a skilled spelunker finds the cave with a heart open to receive the power and consequence dwelling beyond, a searing light emerges. Should the weary soul pass the final life binding test, they will find themselves past through the gate in a state beyond contestation.