Attack Die Modifier:

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Mutant Hide and Seek

Success Criteria

You unleash a creature which starts to torment one of your opponents base camps with startling howls thunderous racket, and fowl stench. Each night throw a D6.

Successful Sabotage Result

D6 roll is 4 or greater. Randomly select an opponent's base camp. The next day the souls inside are too tired to move.

Failure Consequence

D6 roll is 3 or less. The girl is one step closer to taming the creature. Two failures and the creature is lead away, leaving you to fight in another way!

card variation



Founder's Deck


In Diurnoct's forest, where moonbeams play,
A mystical realm teems with fungal sway,
Insects dance, and ruins whisper tales of old,
Amidst this wonder, a nuisance growing bold.

Meet the beast of mishmash might,
Lion's mane, horse's body, crow's feet in sight,
Cow's gentle head, rabbit ears so fine,
Three blue-green eyes gleam, but oh, the stench divine!
Night's cacophony, its righteous ear-piercing call,
Keeps villagers awake, if one then all.

Enter our heroine, with spirit bright,
Playful and mischievous, in the moon's pale light,
She seeks to protect her home dear,
With a plan to drive the beast away, no fear!
No traps or harm, just wit and guile,
To outsmart the creature, with a gentle smile.

Armed with forest knowledge, and a heart so light,
She approaches the beast, on this moon-kissed night,
Offering treats, and a gentle, guiding hand,
Dear mishmash friend, she says, let's find a new land.

The beast, surprised by kindness, true and rare,
Follows the girl, with an awkward, lovable air.
Beyond the forest edge, a gentle river's flow,
Together they wander, through Diurnoct's glow.
Until the creature finds a new home,
Far, far away from the villager's moan.

Beaming a grin, our heroine returns, with victory and delight,
Her heart full of cheer, in the silent, moonlit night.
Now the village, so sleepy, may rest its weary head,
Bearing eyes, so heavy, may finaly go to bed!
For though the beast was bothersome, and quite a test,
Her heartwarming solution, proved kindness is always best.