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alarm - 1 ), alarms = alarms.filter((alarm) => alarm != -1)">Click here on each diel cycle roll
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Neural Network Synapse Virus
Movement Range: Moves instantly to any basecamp or capital in immediate contact with the current territory
Card Status:
archetypal gene
game effects
Cannot take base camps or capitals. Only comes into contention when a Mechanical or Algorithmic soul is present. If it enters a keal means bout and rolls 3 less than or more than its opponents roll, its opponent becomes infected. Equip the synapse virus to the opponent. For every roll they make subtract the roll of a D6. Once the opponent is wasted, so is this card.
die rolls
Always Rolls: D6
keal means
Quick Inject:
brawl power
card variation
Founder's Deck
One of a class of virus designed to infect and interrupt the neural network. Subtle in design and task, the synapse virus is designed to inject itself from an infected host network into a model in training. By applying slight changes to the matrix, the virus undercuts the sensical responses an AI provides in response to environmental input. This virus has no meaning of existence.