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alarm - 1 ), alarms = alarms.filter((alarm) => alarm != -1)">Click here on each diel cycle roll
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Parched Traveler
Movement Range: 1
Card Status:
archetypal gene
game effects
Able to move and attack normally when downed. If parched traveler is attacked, the opposing player rolls a D6. If 1 or 6 is rolled the parched traveler is defeated.
die rolls
Always Rolls: D6-D6
keal means
Rotting Head:
Rusting Sword:
brawl power
card variation
Founder's Deck
After traveling the sand ruins created by weapons of mass destruction, researchers theorized that one would surly die if they attempted to cross by foot alone. They then developed a humanoid form as close to death as possible. It requires almost no water nor food and endures heat incredibly well. While it looks like a man, this species is not intelligent nor is it sentient. In fact, it can't even breed. It was designed to take simple commands well. They are used as a scare tactic in war and a less than reliable scout. Despite their looks, they are easy to care for and make great pets for children.