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Passage Among Maples
game effects
Extends the movement range of souls that start in this territory by 1. During the night, while you control the territory this card is affixed to, instead of your normal hand refresh, you may add one honey card to your hand from either player's discard or your deck. Reshuffle your deck if you take this action.
card variation
Terrain Feature
Founder's Deck
The passage through the maples is a ceremony held once every three years to symbolize the renewal of the life cycle of the bees. The culture responsible for holding the ceremony uses a traditional economy through their LACA division, which is primarily focused on the production of honey. Passing under the arch is a regular occurrence for the souls in this area, as they do so while taking stock to a larger port down river. The arch was built up many years ago and is considered a reminder that they live among the home of their ancestors.