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Pyrostegia Dragon
Movement Range: 0
Card Status:
archetypal gene
game effects
Roll a D20 to play card. The Pyrostegia Dragon is placed on the map space whose number corresponds to the number rolled if its geography is Forest. Once placed, it can move to any forest area instantly as long as there is conflict in the space. It cannot move normally. May sacrifice itself to waste all souls in the space.
die rolls
Always Rolls: D20
keal means
Humming Arboreal Mass
Thriving Toxic Buds
brawl power
card variation
Founder's Deck
Born from the burning forests, these spirits inhabit and breathe new life into the remains of the residing flora. Their one sense of purpose and reason for bearing life is to bring peace to the souls inhabiting anor visiting their home. Often conflicts arise, sometimes with outside influences, which disturb the delicate peace shared by the forest creatures. Should the disturbance go so far as to arise the interest of the Spirit of the Pyrostegia Dragon, the forgoers need not worry about the rustling of leaves, for the dead fear nothing in the forest.