Attack Die Modifier:

Click here on each diel cycle roll

Sprite of Wilds' Spirit

Movement Range:
(without bear) 2, (with bear) 1

Card Status:

archetypal gene


game effects

Without bear:
This is the default form of this card. You may change to this form anytime. If this card changes forms, it cannot move the in the same turn as the form change.
With bear:
May only change to this form by capturing a bear in the following geographies:
Forest: roll 1, 2, or 3 with D6
Mountain or Plains: roll 1 or 2 with D6
Add the number 4 to the list of successful rolls if a stream, river, or creek touches the territory.
If this card changes forms, it cannot move the in the same turn as the form change.

die rolls

Always Rolls: (without bear) D6-D6, (with bear) D20

keal means

(with bear only) Crushing Bite Cenozoic
(without bear only) Fairy Gold Curse Glitch-Magic



brawl power




card variation



Founder's Deck


Many times good intentions go awry. These creatures measuring about 2 ft or 60 cm from toe to wing were created as sentient pollinators for cultivating the berries from the regina bacarum plant. These bear berries, which have become highly prized for their sweet flavor and acclaimed aphrodisiac properties. This demand along with agricultural difficulties called for the development of the highly mobile caretaker fairy species. Small and light enough to flutter plant to plant in an expansive garden, but strong enough to defend from would be poachers. However, as demand continued to grow, the fairies suffered ever greater threats to their lives and livelihood. To defend their home, they began taming beasts of burden, to fight in their stead and under their command. This curbed the dangers for a time as most physical beings would sustain great wounds from the gnash, tusk, or claw bore upon them. Then the possessions started to occur. Fairy stole from fairy, killing the sisters and brothers that stood against them. The highest of their tribal leadership elected for great countermeasures. By altering the genetic makeup of their most promising young defenders, they created warriors of gold sensitive to and capable of excising the violent possessors. While mighty, these warriors proved to be cruel wanderers. So much as a noticed glance, may recon you for a fight.