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Tira Marvelous Myriad
Movement Range: 1
Card Status:
archetypal gene
game effects
Comfortable in high places.
die rolls
Always Rolls: D6-D6 (Option to Re-roll)
keal means
Mechanized Swiftness:
Tools at Hand:
brawl power
card variation
Founder's Deck
Tira is one of many mechanics employed to build and maintain high atmosphere launch platforms connecting to blue-red shift columns close to Kipukas space. Tira is exemplary, however. Not only does she take it upon her self to learn the complete plans of a project before execution, but she obsessively tailors her personal gear to fit its most miniscule details. This has resulted in a vast collection of fantastic devices which she employs with marvelous skill. As she works, the movements between her body and gear blend flawlessly. Whether positioning herself precariously to reach the bolt that no one else is daring enough to fasten, unabashedly jumping from scaffold to scaffold to be the first on the next project (or in the lunch line), or fending off would be pirates she presents a kind of intangible grace. Because of this, her colleagues often say she is an angel with talent instead of wings.